Bobby Boss Art is The Art of Adventure.
Here is a look into the process of how Bobby goes from inspiration to creation for his original adventure art.
The Art of Adventure
For Bobby Boss it is all about the art of adventure & the adventure of art. Every one of his paintings are inspired by his adventures in wild and beautiful places. He takes these experiences and captures them in paint. They are much more than just ideas drawn onto canvas with layers of color because there is a memory and a meaning behind each piece.
Finding Bobby in his art studio is tough because he spends a lot of time getting after life on family adventures, riding mountain bikes, surfing, or trail running around San Luis Obispo. His passion to be outdoors is what fuels his creative energy. His favorite activities bring him into beautiful natural landscapes which end up as inspiration for his next paintings. Discovering coastal nooks and crannies where waves bend into place. The solitude of swooping single-track across oak studded hillsides. Exploring deep old growth forests. Summiting peaks with sweeping vistas of valleys and coastlines. These experiences in the wild places right in his own backyard (and beyond) are what inspire Bobby to paint.
As a self taught artist he believes nature is the most worthy subject to put onto canvas. All of his paintings depict real places you can hike, bike, or paddle to. They are places where you can stand and breathe in the raw adventurous beauty of nature. Each place and each painting holds a deep meaning to him or his collectors and are part of a bigger story of exploration, joy, and inspiration he hopes to capture on the canvas.
If you have a favorite painting of his ask him for a map and get out there and find the art of adventure yourself.
Bobby draws his inspiration from time spent chasing waves and exploring the trails of his coastal home in San Luis Obispo. He considers himself one of the lucky few who know many of the secret gems along this stretch of the California coast.